Hi Wemoon, I have just come back to order some more of your wonderful pads after trying period underwear (as I’d been hearing so much about them!). I bought my original Wemoon pads many years ago and I must say period underwear didn’t really measure up to your great product in my opinion. The period underwear was more expensive, harder to clean (no soaking allowed – so what to do with them between wearing, rinsing and washing?)) took longer to dry and began to develop a musty smell (even when vinegar-ed and sunned for days) . Wemoon pads are the easiest and best – super easy soaking (with my Wemoon bag and jar) and laundering – they are lightweight and always feel fresh. I highly recommend your pads as the best option to anyone contemplating the move away from disposable menstrual products! Thanks from a happy returning customer 🙂
Kim H